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Your Individual Typo3-Website

I will create your individual, responsive and SEO-optimized Typo3-Website for a fixed price based on my template OM Evergreen PRO.

Your individual Typo3 website

I will create your next Typo3 homepage based on my template OM Evergreen PRO.

Created to be easily extendable, OM Evergreen PRO is the perfect basis for your personal hompage, your CI-compliant company presence on the Web or your online project. Whether additional content elements, your own design, integration and support of Typo3 plugins or your very own ideas, everything can be integrated into OM Evergreen PRO.

Interested? Contact to find out I can create your next homepage based on OM Evergreen PRO.

SEO optimized elements

Stand out from the crowd in the Google Search with highlighted search results. OM Evergreen PRO supports content elements that generate Rich Results within the Google Search. This helps search engines like Google or Bing to better understand the content of your page and improves your ranking in search results. In addition, your search hit will be displayed on Google as a Rich Result, which stands out visually and interactively from the others. Designed for extensibility, it is easy to add more SEO optimized content elements to OM Evergreen PRO.

Interested? Contact to find out about OM Evergreen PRO can improve your search result ranking.

Support for various scripts

Not every language uses the Latin alphabet. Different scripts exist for different languages. For example, for the Chinese language there is the Han script, for Arabic languages there is the Arabic alphabet, for Slavic languages there is the Cyrillic alphabet, and so on. Fonts usually support only one or a few scripts. For this reason, fonts for different scripts can be defined in OM Evergreen PRO and the use of all languages is possible.

Interested? Contact to find out OM Evergreen PRO can help you create an international Web presence.

Missing scripts? Contact to get these scripts added for free.

Cheaper than a freelancer

A custom version of OM Evergreen PRO is significantly cheaper than having a freelancer develop a completely new template. For only 549 € you get a working template with lifetime support, which includes free bug fixes. This way you also get all updates for future Typo3 versions. Visit the shop to buy OM Evergreen PRO now.

For customizations, extensions and the installation you will get a quote with a predefined final price regardless of the effort. This gives you and your company planning security and avoids unpleasant surprises. For prices as low as 99 € (in addition to the template itself) you get an individual homepage with elements you need. Just ask for an individual quote at

Colors and dark mode

OM Evergreen PRO lets you choose the background color of each Content Element individually. An implementation of more backgrounds (e.g. an background image or color gradient) ist easily possible. Additionally, OM Evergreen PRO has full dark mode support and is mobile friendly.

Get your perfect website now

What are you waiting for? Head over to the shop to buy OM Evergreen PRO now or send a request to to get a custom quote for setup and individualization to your needs.